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Who are you shopping for? - The company or yourself?

Updated: Sep 12, 2019

Speaking Aloud

How many times have you been window shopping and then entered a shop you like just 'TO LOOK' and then a staff member rushes towards you desperately trying to ask you if you need any help... which at first, may seem like a kind and thoughtful gesture BUT in fact, behind this act, is without a doubt, the intention of a seller pressing for a buy!

This blog was inspired by the events of today that made me think about the role of the seller in shops and that of the buyer.

Today I was walking down my town thinking of what shop to go in when I ventured into one of my favourite shops, which I have gone in every now and again for a little search for pampering products. Anyway, as I walked into the entrance of the shop, I was dramatically approached by a staff member who rushed towards me. I must admit, I felt a little uncomfortable because...come on... cant a buyer do some shopping on their own without being bombarded with staff members trying to sell products?

First, the staff member got me to try a scrub tester in which I was told to take a big lump and rub my hands around, then I was told to wash my hands in their sink! and if that wasn't enough... I was told to try some cream after to feel 'How soft their product was' - weirdly I went with this whole TRY THIS scenario and I must admit it was a good show - the scrub was very good and smelt amazing, and the cream was ever so soft! So as a customer, what do I have to complain about right?

Putting the lovely smelling product aside, I asked myself this - did I really go into a store to grab the first item on the shelf literally given to me and without much thought buy it? ...Well my answer is no.... and at £15 just for a tub of is definitely 100% a no....or a not now answer - if you know me a little bit or at least have seen me posting on Twitter and Facebook about Bargains that I love to buy - then you know that I would never go for a product that I could get a little cheaper.

To be fair, if I wanted a cream then this would not have been an issue but my post is not on what I wanted, it is what I did not want and yet it was still given to me so I would have the urge or thought to buy it. What are shops doing now that makes buyers want to buy? How far should shops go to get sales with customers? Is YOUR BANK that full of money that you can afford all that lays on the shelves of shops?

If your answer is NO my bank is not full of money, then be wary of this very clever technique as it is a very tempting one that could cost you more than you bargained for... So WHO is winning? WHO walks away better off?? You may have that good smelling and soft cream or the scrub presented to you could well be one of a kind... but what affect does it have on your Purse or Wallet?

I am sure there has been many times that you ALL have gone into a store 'JUST TO LOOK' and ended up with things you NEVER even WANTED. Or things you DIDN'T NEED. Why?? because staff or advertisements entice us in, they captivate us, make us intrigued then we give in and buy that bloody thing we just could do without....well for the moment at least.

Thinking about Products

ONE thing I have always taught my daughter is this - is it a WANT or A NEED, this way you can determine your next move on the urgency or importance of the item. i.e - Food we need, Soap we need and so on and so forth. There is another way of determining costs of items by choosing lower priced items over higher. Places like Argos have helped teach my daughter what you can get for a cheaper price without burning holes in purses. So I find that she goes to all items this way where ever she is, and it is a very good skill to have as the other alternative shops cleverly do leads to unnecessary overspending.

So if shops try to persuade you to buy items more money than you should be spending or that you would like to spend - you know that your own thoughts would be 'Is it a WANT or a NEED. Once you have that way of thinking in your head then you can't get side tracked by shops or things that look or smell pretty. You get what you need 90 percent of the time and the left over 10 percent maybe spaced out to what you may want.

Companies/ businesses flourish by advertisement mainly, in fact everything does when you come to think about it. I mean you can be a famous writer or actor or director etc if you haven't been advertised in some shape or form. After all, nobody would know you exist without putting yourself out there! BUT there is one thing being out there in the world accessible in the form of posters and shop windows.. however there is another thing waving a red flag in someones face like here are my products BUY IT, LOVE IT!! It just does not sit well in my books... I am one who will only have an opinion once I have tried it OR in film and book terms seen or read it. BUT if someone threw it on my lap and said it is this and that and many more.... I just would not be that convinced...and again if it was something I did not need or want then it is a big no no..... at that time anyway especially if it is not allowed time to soak in...

For future references to shops out there.... let costumers look around solo, let them bask in the shelves, let them go to the "TRY ME" products solo.... otherwise what is the point in the big black sticker with white writing on?? and if the customer wants something I am sure they will ask!

I believe the shops do the "HERE HERE...TRY THIS" as they need sales, they need those products on high demand...YEAH YEAH..I get that. BUT is it in the customers best interest?? or the shops??

Next time you go shopping or have a stroll into a shop to pass the time - As much of us do every now and again :) Remember that you do not by any circumstances have to be apart of the "here try me" customer service - you can say no thank you I am just looking, you can say not today!

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